PACE Team: Our Favourite Locations to Keep Fit


With the new year upon us, most of us will have placed ‘more physical activity’ high up on our list of resolutions to stick with for 2020.

With this in mind, we asked the team to give you a few pointers of the variety of different locations you can use to stick to those resolutions.

Exercise can happen anywhere, and at any time – the only limit is your imagination and your will to be a healthier you.


PACE Team’s Favourite Exercise Locations

Mark: The gym. I'm a fan of structure, and the gym provides a place where there is no other reason to be there besides getting my session done. It’s 45-60 minutes of time to myself, in a setting where everyone is working hard. A close second is walking the dog through the local quarry and nature reserve. 

Sinead: Anywhere that is on or close to the beach, nothing like a salty fresh air! 

Sam: Basketball court – it’s something I love doing and doesn't take a lot of mental effort to complete. It's also an awesome social environment for me and something I look forward to each week.

Tony: Nothing beats pointing your board down a steep powder run in the mountains getting fresh face shots all the way to the bottom and then discussing your powder stoke and catching your breathe in the lift line, and then on the chair lift to the top to do it all again and again and again. Love the quad burn.

Ben: For me variety is key. I go through phases where I like running heaps, then going to the gym, then mixing it up with bouldering, swimming, riding etc. A good podcast/music always makes it easier!

Steph: I love our local park – it’s a great natural location and has wetlands alongside. It also has a fabulous bike path. 

Ash: In the surf - the surf gives you the ultimate in random interval workouts - as they say in the classics ‘ you can’t just call time out in the middle of a set’.

Tara: Outdoors, especially over summer gives you a chance to take in the fresh air, explore new places, socialise with a group of friends or family. Try a range of activities from walking to swimming to riding and take your dog too!

Vanessa: Anywhere outdoors in the fresh air!


No matter where – just keep active. If you’d like more professional advice from the exercise experts on what physical activity might suit you – book in with us today!


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