What is your favourite way to spend your 1 hour a day of exercise time in lockdown?

Ben Southam: Getting outside for a walk/run, preferable near the beach!

Aiden Little: Going for a run and listening to a podcast. Maybe getting a cheeky coffee while Iā€™m out too. 

Tara Jenkins: Getting outdoors with a friend or family member, going for a run, taking the dog for a walk or taking time for yourself to get some fresh air, break up your working day and clear your mind. 

Thomas Hayes: Walking along the beach. An hour in soft sand is harder than I thought!

Vanessa Joyce: Going for a 30-60 minute walk and taking some time out to practice mastering a new skill like a headstand or pistol squat! 

Ash Gardner: Why limit to 1 hour - do 1 hour mask free at home or in backyard and then you can do mask hour out and about - twice the fun! My favourite in house exercise is the nemesis of any adult 30+ - the tramp and home made obstacle course/jumps with my daughter. How did I get so old!!!!!! A good challenge for my body to adapt to!

Sam Thomas: Variety is key! Going for a run, taking the dog for a walk, shooting hoops, doing a strength based workout. Variety keeps things interesting and helps to keep motivation high.

Lisa Bufalino: Going for two separate walks, one before I start with Telehealth appointments for the day to energise and to think of some new creative exercises and one after my appointments to  clear my mind, wind down and switch off from work mode. 

Ashleigh Goetz: Walking with loved ones if the weather permits or doing a home workout with friends over the glorious Telehealth.

Josh McCarthy: Going for a walk down to the beach and listening to a podcast.

Elyce Hay: Going for a walk or a run exploring my new area and finding hidden parks down side streets that I never knew were there!

Megan Vermeulen: A morning walk with my partner and dog, and a higher intensity workout in the afternoon - mixing it up between running, netball drills and Pilates!

Tony Kearney: 30 minutes walking with my wife and children and 30 minutes riding my mountain bike so I can get my heart rate up and have some me time.

Jordy Gaylor: A 30 minute run to get some hard work in, paired with 30 minutes of walking, often around sunset time if the weather permits - important to make the most of the 60 minute allowance, there's nothing good about being stuck inside all day!

Steph Hayward: The kids love scooting together as as a family and my husband and I run beside them. We love exploring our beautiful neighborhood around Jells Park.



What are the benefits of strength training for women?


I don't have any home equipment- ideas for home exercise!