Dynamic knee stability for Board Sports
Ride longer and stronger!
Why is it important?
The knee is a complex joint relying heavily on the support of surrounding muscles to prevent injury and improve movement efficiency. Dynamic knee stability refers to the ability of the knee joint to remain stable when subjected to rapidly changing loads during activities such as jumping, landing and twisting. As these movements are so prominent in board sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing and wake boarding, it is vital that the knee has sufficient muscular support to prevent knee injuries such as ligament tears (anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, medial cruciate ligament, and lateral cruciate ligament), knee dislocation, and meniscus tears. For a rider, if there is knee instability, it means there is a far greater chance of suffering one of the injuries mentioned above, which means a long time away from the sport you love.
Stand with your foot in the middle of the Bosu ball holding a Theraband/rope lightly for balance.
Whilst keeping a straight back and focusing on keeping your chest up, slowly bend the knee of the leg on the Bosu ball, ensuring that the knee is following the line of your middle toe (aim for a 90 degree bend).
With a focus on squeezing the glute, slowly return to an upright position.
Repeat steps 1-3 10 times on each leg, and perform a total of 3 sets on each leg with a short rest period in between
Important cues:
Ensure the pelvic floor is activated to assist with balance.
Keep the back straight and chest up.
Progression: Do not hold anything for balance and hold a weight plate to increase difficulty.
Regression: Either do it on both legs, or remove the Bosu ball for a stable surface.
Begin with your feet shoulder width apart, jump onto a stable surface no higher than knee height initially, and land with your feet together.
From the stable height, jump up and twist 180 degrees back to the ground where you jumped from, and land on both feet with a soft bend in the knees.
Important cues:
Try to make each landing as soft as possible by ensuring you are maintaining a soft bend in the knees.
Keep the back as straight as possible throughout.
Use the arms to help generate momentum on the way up
Progression: Perform on one leg, and increase height.
Regression: Don’t land on a high surface, just jump over a line with the 180 degree rotation.
Single Leg Bosu Squat
Box Jump with a Twist
Box Jump with a Twist